Our Biodiversity Strategy
Macmahon operates in all jurisdictions and at times, in or near areas of high biodiversity and conservation values. Whether operating as the Principal Contractor, or working within our Client’s Environmental Management Systems, we ensure that environmental management plans are developed/implemented for our projects and that they address specific flora and fauna management issues.
Flora and fauna requirements are documented within our project specific Environmental Management Plans and Environmental Risk Assessments. Macmahon has a flora and fauna management procedure which provides minimum requirements for flora and fauna management to minimise the impacts associated with Macmahon work areas and to ensure operations are executed in accordance with relevant legislation.
Our Environmental Initiatives
Flora and Fauna Management Measures
- ‘Habitat trees’ located by a licensed spotter catcher in a pre- clearing survey are clearly marked with flagging tape or spray paint
- Workers are made aware of habitat trees and that these trees must not be cleared until the checked by a spotter
- Mulching of cleared vegetation occurs as soon as practicable after clearing to avoid resident fauna populations moving into the stockpiles
- Access tracks are located >10 m from the outer boundary of riparian zones unless in compliance with approval/ permit conditions