Boston Shaker
Kalgoorlie, Western Australia
$352 Million
3 years (to May 2027)
AngloGold Ashanti and Regis Resources
Macmahon was initially awarded a five-year mining contract for the Boston Shaker underground mine. The first cut occurred on 8 May 2019. A further three-year extension was awarded on 2 May 2024 to continue with operations until May 2027.
The Tropicana project, which is a joint venture between AngloGold Ashanti Ltd (70% and manager) and Regis Resources (30%), is already Macmahon’s largest mining contract in Australia.
The project is located 330 kilometres northeast of Kalgoorlie on the edge of Western Australia’s Great Victoria Desert. Macmahon’s scope of work includes underground mining services, including site establishment, portal development of a decline and sub-level development that will include stopping.
Scope of work:
- Underground mining services
- Site establishment
- Portal development
- Decline and sub-level development
- Stoping
I’ve learned that whilst you should always treat others with respect no matter their role, you should never be afraid to raise your point of view when it comes to concerns with your own or others' safety.
Brett Maney
Manager, Underground Services