Batu Hijau
Sumbawa, West Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia
$2.9 Billion
Life of Mine
Macmahon has a life of mine, alliance style mining services contract at the Batu Hijau Mine in Indonesia. Batu Hijau is a large open pit, owner mined, porphyry copper-gold deposit located on Sumbawa Island in Indonesia.
It is the second-largest copper-gold mine in the country.
The site includes a 120 ktpd processing plant, 112 MW coal-fired power plant, Benete Port and townsite. PT AMNT’s mine plan includes the removal of waste to access the next stage of ore reserves with the processing of stockpiles thereafter.
This is a transformational alliance contract for a Tier 1 asset with expected revenue of US$1.8 billion over 5 years.
Macmahon commenced works in August 2017 with a ramp-up of operations in the second half of the 2018 financial year.
The project has the potential to extend the scope of works to include significant development options in the future.
Macmahon has finalised the commercial arrangements for Phase 8 of the project which includes extending in-pit mining to approximately June 2028.
Macmahon really appreciates their employees and provides a vast array of opportunities to further your career. Macmahon also kindly sponsored my Pengawas Operasional Madya “POM” which is a certificate from the Indonesian Government for operational supervisory.
Joseph Mandala
Mining Manager, Martabe