Governance Strategy
How we protect our people and values
Human Rights
Macmahon respects internationally recognised human rights principles. We support the overarching proposition that all businesses have a role to play in eliminating modern slavery in our operations and supply chains.
Human Rights
Modern Slavery Statement
We have undertaken due diligence activities to identify, address, mitigate and prevent human rights and modern slavery impacts. We are committed to working in collaboration with our employees, suppliers and all other relevant stakeholders to tackle this issue.
Modern Slavery Statement
Anti-Bribery and Corruption
Macmahon’s approach to bribery and corruption is supported by our Whistleblower Policy. We have a number of channels for making a report, including a whistleblower hotline for employees to call if they feel unable to raise actual or suspected unlawful, unethical or irresponsible behaviour.
Anti-Bribery and Corruption
HSEQ Systems
The Macmahon HSEQ Management System is designed on the principles of continual improvement and adopts the methodology of Plan, Do, Check and Act.
HSEQ Systems
Governance Documents
Policies, Statements and Charter